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  • Our Corporate Logo

    The Texcoms Worldwide® corporate logo is the visual symbol of our brand, one of our most important corporate assets. As part of our corporate brand strategy, the Texcoms Worldwide logo is protected from misuse by assuring proper, consistent and careful reproduction of the logo wherever it appears. The Texcoms Worldwide corporate logo is a unique pieces of artwork that should not be recreated or typeset. All uses of the Texcoms Worldwide logo below require the permission of Texcoms Worldwide Corporate Marketing. For approval, please send email to branding@texcoms.com with explanation and example of intended use

  • Textile Solutions Logo

    Today, however, our purpose has evolved with the virtue of having spent decades in the Textile Industry, Texcoms is in a position to provide comprehensive corporate Solution Partner and advisory services to the textile industry globally Our TTS logo reflects our company today as well as the representation of our global textile solution from texcoms.

  • Philosophy of Logo

    Our logo is where it all begins, it's like the seed of our visual identity. It provides our typographic style and its blunt, yet clever simplicity is at the core of all of our communication.

    Our logo represents the immortal Phoenix bird that cyclically regenerates or rises from the ashes and symbolises the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) which is one of the mantras for the Textile Industry. The bird also brings out our eagerness to spread the wings seamlessly across the blue sky of unconstrained optimism or imagination.

    The colours of the Texcoms logo are the symbol for instant recognition of the Texcoms Brand. The colour Texcoms logo used is a major colour that covers all spectrum subtractive colour systems that is the most widely used in the textile industry. They also enhance our uniqueness and our heritage.

    The Texcoms Brand yellow colour represents a warm colour that invokes the feeling of happiness, warmth and innovation giving customers a positive impression when meeting the Texcoms Brand, everywhere, anytime.

    The Texcoms Brand red is a blood colour as a reflection of textile is the main blood in our business. It represents our DNA in the Textile industry across our value chain - from raw materials to our manufacturing operations that still lie at the heart of our business.

    The Texcoms Brand cyan, Symbolises our dedication to the consumer experience and our commitment to finding new and innovative for the consumer.

    The Texcoms Brand green represents an aspect of our business and our purpose to make it sustainable and our logo is a visual expression of that.

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